The burglaries have mostly occurred between 7 a.m. to noon, when residents are away from home. In most cases flat screen TV's, small electronics and weapons were taken.
Garner Police Sergeant Scott Crawford says the theft of weapons like shotguns and rifles are a concern.
"We're concerned about that because those are additional weapons that'll be out on the street and could potentially hurt someone." Crawford said.
Sammy Grimes has lived in one of the targeted neighborhoods since the 70s.
"It's a real quiet, peaceful neighborhood," he said.
Grimes is shocked by the break-ins and is taking steps to protect his home and his family by making sure his doors are locked.
"We don't own any firearms or anything along that line, but we're just trying to watch out for each other," he added.
Keeping a watchful eye is exactly what police want residents to do.
"Be on the lookout for any suspicious persons or vehicles that are in the area," Sgt. Crawford said.
Anyone with information that might assist with the current investigations is encouraged to call the Garner Police Department at 919-772-8810 and ask for Investigator G. E. Davis.
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