Raleigh to introduce new area code


The North Carolina Utilities Commission, in conjunction with the North Carolina Telecommunications Industry Association will soon implement the new 984 area code.

The 984 area code will cover the same geographical area as the 919 area code and customers seeking new telephone numbers in the region may be assigned the new area code as early as April.

Existing telephone numbers in the 919 area code will remain the same.

Beginning October 1, customers may place a local call by dialing the traditional seven-digit telephone number or by dialing 10-digits that include the area code plus the seven-digit telephone number.

However, that option will end March 30, 2012. By then, all local calls must be placed using the 10-digit telephone number that includes the 919 or 984 plus seven-digit local telephone number.

Dialing three digit numbers such as 211, 511, 711, 811, and 911 will remain the same and will not be impacted by the new 10-digit dialing requirement. Long Distance calls will continue to be dialed with 1+10 digits.

Customers will receive notices from their local telecommunications provider in October or November 2011 with further details.

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