Tata addresses concerns over elections


Superintendent Tony Tata addressed those concerns on Friday during his week news conference.

"I've been asked about the school board elections - my job responsibilities don't change, my role doesn't change," he said.

Tata said that includes his commitment to implementing the new Wake schools assignment plan.

But some wonder if the newly-elected board members will impact the timeline.

"The short answer is no," Tata said. "This has been a longstanding timeline we've had out there. The current board is serving out its term and government continues to run."

Specifically, the superintendent stressed that he would not delay Tuesday's vote on the plan to wait for new board members to take office.

"I think it would be insulting to Ann McLauren and Carolyn Morrison and Ron Margiotta to say you don't get to finish your term, you don't get to do what you were elected to do," he said.

Tata also said there are hard deadlines Wake County schools must meet - the magnet application period begins in December, and there is prep work that must be done even before then.

"Parents need to know the environment in which they will apply for magnets, staff and schools need to be trained," he said. "We need to notify all students of their grandfather assignment."

As for the assignment plan, Tata described it as elastic, meaning it will be flexible so they can make changes if problems arise.

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