School board, county battle over budget


The purpose of this meeting was really just for both sides to get together and discuss the budget and, specifically for the school board, to share with commissioners why they're asking the county for $8.8 million more.

Observers got a better sense of the economic challenges both the county and the school system are facing.

Wake County's bottom line is that they've seen some revenue growth, but it's been slow and that there are several other needs competing for the extra money they are expecting.

The Wake County School System is facing significant reductions in state and federal funding and is hoping the additional money from the county will help make ends meet.

"I'd be surprised if the commissioners write us a blank check, I'd be very surprised about that," said school board chairman Kevin Hill. "I think it's important that we're able to discuss and explain and give rationale for the request that we do have."

"We're going to have to prioritize our spending and just make sure that we put the most important things up front and deal with those as priorities," said board of commissioners chairman Paul coble.

This was the first time the school board and the board of commissioners have met in more than a year.

School board member John Tedesco did not attend.

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