Couple waits for wedding photos


About a month after Cyndl Ison's wedding, she said the couple got to view all of the photos photographer David Johnson took. Part of the $1,300 contract included an album along with a CD of all the images and two prints.

In March, Cyndl said she and her husband told Johnson what photos they wanted in their album.

"He said he was going to order the album which he said would take four to five weeks,"

After two months of waiting, Cyndl never saw her album, CD or prints.

"I would try and contact him and that's when he wasn't answering the phone, wasn't returning phone calls, wasn't returning emails, and that's when we became a little worried as he had two thirds of the money up front and we had nothing," Cyndl said.

Six months after their wedding date, Cyndl still had no photos, so she contacted me.

"It's been too long, I don't want it to be our one year anniversary and we still don't have our wedding pictures," Cyndl said.

I got in touch with the photographer, and although it did take some time, Cyndl eventually got everything she needed to remember her special day.

"He did a great job. I'm happy with the product, just wish he wouldn't have taken so long," Cyndl said.

David Johnson, the photographer, said part of the delay was that he photographed graduations in June and he got caught up in that. He apologized and took $150 off of the remaining balance.

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