Justin Summers said he was shot on N.C. Highway 50 just south of U.S. Highway 70 in Garner on Dec. 2 just before 9 p.m.
The bullet went through Summers' chest, traveled just outside his collarbone and exited his right armpit. Had it been inside the collarbone, it probably would have torn through vital organs and killed him.
Summers said the incident started as he was driving east on U.S. 70 through Garner. He said a man in a white Chevy Impala was tailgating him. So, he pulled to the right and got behind the car to give the guy a dose of his own medicine.
However, when he exited at Highway 50, he says the Impala driver followed him.
"I moved over to the center lane, the turn lane in the middle of the road and I stopped to let him go," said Summers. "He pulled up beside me, rolled down his window. I rolled down my window. He like, 'What's up?' I said 'What's up?' and then he shot me."
Summers said he will never again be involved in a road rage incident. He not only wants to serve as an example to others, but he wants to warn others that he man who doesn't mind shooting a stranger is still on the streets.
Garner police told ABC11 that they cannot confirm or deny Summers' version of the events. They said they are, however, investigating the shooting.
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