Brothers face more home invasion charges


A man was shot and paralyzed after trying to save his wife from being raped.

The new case is from a similar crime in North Raleigh in mid-December and that could just be the beginning. Investigators are reviewing numerous cases and more charges are expected.

Charges have now been lodged against 16-year-old Shabar Marshall and his 26-year-old brother Jahadd for a North Raleigh home invasion on Dec. 11.

Police believe the Marshalls broke into a woman's home and robbed her at gunpoint in the middle of the night.

Pat Lovick is certainly convinced that the Marshall brothers will be facing more charges including a home invasion at her house eight days before the attack in Oakwood.

She said there are just too many similarities -- a tall young man, and a short older man involved. Both were wearing masks and gloves, carrying guns, and using a stun gun.  They broke in the homes in the middle of the night and standing over her and her husband when they awoke.

The big difference though is that the Lovicks were handcuffed to their bed and robbed but left unharmed.

In Oakwood, the husband was shot and paralyzed while to trying to keep the intruders from raping his wife.

"I'm sure the more you do it, the more you think you're going to get away with it," said Lovick. "But they stepped over the line -- so completely over the line here... but it could, it could have been us."

Again, the Lovick's home invasion isn't the only one police are looking at.

An email circulating around Oakwood says a teenager was held at gunpoint during a home invasion in Mordecai back in November.

Oakwood residents are meeting with Raleigh police Thursday evening as part of a regularly scheduled meeting.

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