Police say there have been two cases of men exposing themselves on the Neuse River Trail in north Raleigh.
In the most recent incident a man grabbed a woman and tried to pull her down. Luckily, she fought and got away from her attacker.
The attacks have happened along the Neuse Rive Trails or various greenways in north Raleigh. One happened at the soccer complex. Another happened at Durant Nature Park and the last one on the Bedford Trail.
People who use the trail reacted to the news.
"It can definitely freak you out, especially if you are a woman or you got kids with you," said David Wheeler.
"I walked this trail everyday almost every day by myself for a year and I've never had a problem and I've never seen anybody suspicious," said Karen White. "So, it kind of surprises me."
Police say the suspect is a man described as a white male about 6 feet tall with dirty blond hair. In two cases, he had a skateboard.
Anyone with information about this attack or exposing situations is asked to call police.
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