Group holds rally for justice following Zimmerman verdict


"We want to re-emphasize that it was in fact the first round of protests that led to the trial," group member Ajmu Dillahunt said.

The group Black Workers for Justice is hoping to use the power of protest once again in Moore Square.

"We're not embracing the verdict. The verdict came down, we think it was unfair. We don't think it was justice, and we want more to happen," Dillahunt said.

They said this rally is one of many happening in our area and around the country. The goal is to still make a difference in the aftermath of the Travon Martin trial.

Dillahunt said," Some people are calling for The Department of Justice to be engaged in a civil rights investigation. We're calling for people to have protests at their work places, schools."

Opinions from the other side flowed freely on social media. One woman posted, “ Had Zimmerman been convicted, this case would’ve set precedence that self defense will no longer exist, which is why it was important to not be blinded and call it a race issue.”

ABC11 spoke to several people in downtown Raleigh from Orlando and while they said they were not happy with the verdict, they agree the jury did not have an easy job and the argument over what happened that night could have gone either way.

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