Fort Bragg workers concerned about government shutdown


Fort Bragg officials are still assessing the potential impact

Ironically, Monday was the last day of the forced sequestrations. Now, some civilian workers are looking at possibly being furloughed.

For troops, nothing will change. Military commanders say Fort Bragg training and its missions will continue because they are deemed essential for national security.

Besides Fort Bragg, critical services remain operational. Schools on post will remain open. Inpatient and Wounded Warrior Medical Care, and outpatient care will be provided.

Civilian workers, providing life, health and safety functions on post, such as police and firefighters, will be exempt.

"They are confused. We have no idea what's going on," said Civilian Workers' Union Spokesperson Kurt Rhodes. "We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow when we're told to show up for work. Are we going to be exempted? Myself, I know I'm going to be exempted because I'm a fireman. I have to be there. Our plumbers, electricians, grass cutters, they are probably going to be told to go home with two hours pay for that day, and come back when we call you and not get paid."

Mark Doorey, a civilian employee on Fort Bragg has struggled thru a 20 percent pay cut from government sequestration. Now, he's looking at not getting a paycheck at all.

"I don't know what we will have to give up at this point, but obviously we can't give up food and water," said Doorey, "but some place you have to make cuts and some places you may have to give up some things."

Workers like Doorey don't know what to do next.

"It's going to be real difficult especially we just went through the 48 hour furlough hours not having a paycheck is going to be a hindrance," said Doorey. "I've got children. So, it's going to be a big burden on myself and my family.

Civilian workers union officials say upwards of 40 percent of civilian workers may be furloughed.

Late Monday evening, President Obama signed legislation ensuring that the military will get paid during any government shutdown.

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