Benefit helps local mom battling breast cancer


Her childhood friend - Wendy St. Cyre - has put together a benefit to help Holt pay for medical equipment.

Holt now needs special equipment to take care of her children since cancer has taken away her physical strength. Caring for her children became a challenge after her diagnosis.

"I was diagnosed December 19th of 2012. The day that changed my life," Holt said.

Her doctors recommended aggressive treatment, including a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.

"Chemo was the hardest thing I've ever done through in my life and I don't ever want to go through it again," she said.

But even through the sickness and hair loss, she was still mom.

"I still had to get four kids up and dressed for school, and snacks packed, and breakfast done, and all the medical needs taken care for my special needs kids," Holt said.

Multiple surgeries and attempts to reconstruct her breasts have made lifting her sons out of their wheelchairs almost impossible.

"My special needs son, I can't get him in and out of bed. I can't take care of my responsibilities I need to take care of," she said. "I hate not being able to lift them and care for them and do what I did 11 months ago.  I want to be able to have the things in my home that I can provide good quality care for my children."          

St. Cyre, who also has a son in a wheelchair, is throwing a benefit Thursday night to raise enough money to get Holt's family a ceiling lift for the boys.

"She needs the things to take care of these boys.  She needs just basic things -  a lift and a way to get them around," St. Cyre said.

Then there are mounting medical bills.  

"Between three surgeries and the chemo... just one round of chemo is about $12,000 a round, and I had six rounds," Holt said.

St. Cyre hopes to help a friend in need. The benefit is called Banding Together Against Breast Cancer and is being held at the Big Easy on Fayetteville Street in downtown Raleigh. There will be a number of local musicians performing, and the event gets underway at 8:30 p.m. They are asking for donations to support Holt and her family.

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