On February 11, an electrical fire swept through Allison Stancil's Zebulon home. She, her husband, and their two children all survived, but the same could not be said for their house and all their possessions.
"It's overwhelming, but we've just been taking it one day at a time. We're doing necessities, what we need to have right now," Stancil said.
With the house a total loss, and left starting from scratch, Stancil's sister-in-law wanted to help, and that is when Leslie Pope-Perry got the idea to turn to a site called "Go Fund Me."
"I had a friend on Facebook who is trying to raise money for her husband's mission trip, and I donated to that, it only took a minute or two to donate and I saw how easy it was," Pope-Perry said.
Therefore, she set up a page for the Stancil family.
»Click here to donate to the Stancil Family Fire Fundraiser. «
"I set up a goal of $400, I just wanted to be able to have my friends, or colleagues donate and just have some money to give to them," Pope-Perry said.
However, the call for help quickly generated a huge response, far exceeding her expectations.
"The total is $10,657 and I was amazed. We shot for $400 and within a day we had almost $9,000 raised," Pope-Perry said.
It is money that is helping the Stancils buy basic necessities right now, but more than that, it is acts of kindness that have deeply touched the family.
"That's really what's gotten us through this, it really is, and I just struggle with how to say thank you, because it's just not enough," Stancil said.
The family is still working with the insurance company, but once that is all sorted out, they do plan to tear down what is left of the house and rebuild in the exact same spot.
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