Durham City Council names pick to fill seat vacated by Leo Williams' ascent to mayor

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Durham City Council fills seat vacated by mayoral election
Chelsea Cook has been appointed to fill the Durham City Council seat vacated by Leo Williams upon his victory in the mayoral race.

DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) -- Durham City Council announced its newest member Tuesday morning.

Chelsea Cook will fill the vacant seat for Ward 3. That seat became vacant when Leo Williams took over as Durham Mayor this year.

New Mayor Leonardo Williams announced his top three priorities as economic development, workforce development, and community development.

There were four finalists considered to fill the seat.

On the first ballot, Cook and Sheila Huggins received three votes each.

On the second ballot, support moved toward Cook. She was able to swing the three dissenting council members votes into her camp and come out with a unanimous decision.