Florida teacher quits job to become full-time shopper, now makes more than $100,000 per year

Monday, July 30, 2018
Florida teacher quits job to become full-time shopper
A Florida man quit his job and now gets paid $100,000 to shop for groceries.

OVIEDO, Fla. -- A Florida man quit his job as a teacher and now gets paid $100,000 to shop for groceries.

Ed Hennessey, a teacher at Oviedo High School, said that he never earned more than $50,000.

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He said he struggled to make ends meet with two kids and his old college loans.

Ed became a shopper for Shipt, part-time, in 2015, developed a system a fan base, and two years later realized he could make some real money which made him reflect on his time in the classroom.

So in 2017, he made a bold life-changing decision to take a year sabbatical from teaching to shop full-time.

"I make over a $100,000 a year," said Hennessey.

Hennessey now doubles his teaching salary.

These days Hennessey spends his time in his car and scouring the aisles of supermarkets.

Every day, he picks up groceries and delivers them.

He works when he wants, mostly 50 to 60-hour weeks, and no longer gets summers off, but instead of grading tests and making lesson plans he's at home he's glued to his phone, his lifeline, which he said he doesn't even mind.

"It's so relaxing. I get to go out and I'm outside all the time. I see people and I'm my own boss. I am who I want to be," said Hennessey.