Gov. McCrory gives candid interview on HB2 troubles

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016
In this Feb. 4, 2015 file photo, Gov. Pat McCrory delivers his State of the State address to a joint session of the General Assembly in Raleigh, N.C.
In this Feb. 4, 2015 file photo, Gov. Pat McCrory delivers his State of the State address to a joint session of the General Assembly in Raleigh, N.C.
Gerry Broome-AP

CHARLOTTE (WTVD) -- Gov. Pat McCrory gave a candid radio interview Tuesday on a Charlotte show defending controversial House Bill 2 as well as acknowledging some of the trouble it has caused for him and the state.

On "The Big Show with John Boy and Billy," he repeated his stance that the bill, which in part requires people to use the restroom of their biological sex, is a common sense bill. He said it isn't about being gay or lesbian but it is about privacy.

Listen to the full interview:

He compared the new law to the Charlotte ordinance, which is what sparked the passing of HB2. The Charlotte ordinance allowed transgender people to use the bathroom of their choosing.

The governor said gender identity is what you think it is that hour, day, or year. He defended his support of HB2 and said he did not want government to be the "bathroom police" for the private sector. The Charlotte ordinance required private businesses to adapt to it, he said.

He reasserted the claim that North Carolina has been misrepresented in the national media. The state did not cause the controversy -- Charlotte did, he said.


The governor also talked about some of the problems the bill has been causing him directly. He says he's had calls from people asking him to not show up to their event.

In perhaps the most candid moment, he told the hosts that, "I might be in trouble... I might be looking for a side job over here."

McCrory is facing off against Attorney General Roy Cooper in the November election.

Read all ABC11 stories about HB2 here

The governor also commented on some of the businesses who have chosen not to expand to North Carolina because of HB2. He said one company who backed out of a planned expansion in the state, PayPal, has a headquarters in Singapore and does business in China and in Sudan. McCrory pointed out that those countries are known for not being LGBT-friendly.


McCrory also told the hosts there are businesses who support HB2 but are afraid to say so openly over fear of a public backlash.

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