How some unemployed workers in NC were able to get their pending claim approved

Diane Wilson Image
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How some unemployed workers were able to get their claim approved
Chad Polidore filed for unemployment with the state at the beginning of April, but six weeks later, his case was still pending, despite making countless calls to DES.

RALEIGH (WTVD) -- While frustrations continue for the thousands of North Carolinians who are unemployed and who are having trouble getting their claims with the Division of Employment Security approved, we are hearing success stories from those who have tried for weeks to get their money.

Fayetteville resident Chad Polidore is one of those.

He contacted Troubleshooter Diane Wilson last week about his frustrations with DES.

"I was giving up hope. We were in limbo and didn't know how we were going to pay bills," Polodore said.

He filed for unemployment with the state at the beginning of April, but six weeks later, his case was still pending, despite making countless calls to DES.

After Polidore reached out to Wilson, she told him about a Facebook group called, North Carolina Unemployment.

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On that page, unemployed workers have been posting their success stories at getting through to someone at DES and how using a list of DES worker's email addresses helps get answers on a pending claim.

The Facebook group compiled the email list of all of the employees at DES and provided it to the group on a spreadsheet. We shared the email addresses with Chad and he got to work.

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"I had to send out 70 to 75 emails, and I got one response from a very helpful representative, and she immediately corrected it," Polidore said.

He said the DES employee emailed him step by step what she was doing.

"It was six weeks old, but as soon as it got someone's attention that wanted to help, it was taken care of in three days."

Within three days, Polidore was paid his unemployment benefits, including the back pay to when he first filed.

"I want to thank you for all your help and the DES agent who went above and beyond and got it taken care of," he told Troubleshooter Diane Wilson. "She did a great job."

The majority of people we talked to said emailing a DES agent directly is what helped get their claim resolved the quickest. Many report when they do the online chat or call the DES line, the representative can't actually help them with any issues involving their claim.

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