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noise complaint
Noise ordinance hot topic at new Raleigh City Council's first meeting
The City Attorney's Office proposed three changes to Raleigh's existing noise ordinances.
Lamborghini owner sues NYC after getting $800 noise violation ticket
UNC initiative aims to help students become good neighbors
San Francisco residents complain of honking from driverless cars
Residents weary of late-night construction noise from Oberlin Village
Noise ordinance in Raleigh to change in February
Downtown Raleigh hopeful with new noise ordinance in play
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What you need to know about Raleigh's new noise ordinance
New nightlife permit ordinance passes in Raleigh
Earthquake confirmed as boom that shook parts of Hillsborough
Couple sued over crowing pet rooster 'Wilbur'
Greensboro cops come for noise complaint, stay for the party
NC attorney suggests dog's vocal cords be surgically removed
Police in Durham unable to enforce law for some ordinances
Noise complaint ends with person shot, deputy injured
Raleigh takes steps to crack down on Glenwood South rowdiness
Raleigh residents fed up with overnight I-40 construction noise
Residents near North Hills to get rocked by construction blasts
'It's torture:' Barking irks resident living next to pet playground
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More Stories
Lamborghini owner sues NYC after getting $800 noise violation ticket
UNC initiative aims to help students become good neighbors
San Francisco residents complain of honking from driverless cars
Residents weary of late-night construction noise from Oberlin Village
Noise ordinance in Raleigh to change in February
Downtown Raleigh hopeful with new noise ordinance in play
What you need to know about Raleigh's new noise ordinance
New nightlife permit ordinance passes in Raleigh
Earthquake confirmed as boom that shook parts of Hillsborough
Couple sued over crowing pet rooster 'Wilbur'
Greensboro cops come for noise complaint, stay for the party
NC attorney suggests dog's vocal cords be surgically removed
Police in Durham unable to enforce law for some ordinances
Noise complaint ends with person shot, deputy injured
Raleigh takes steps to crack down on Glenwood South rowdiness
Raleigh residents fed up with overnight I-40 construction noise
Residents near North Hills to get rocked by construction blasts
'It's torture:' Barking irks resident living next to pet playground
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