Cyclists ride for road safety


The accident happened off pleasant green road in /*Orange County*/.

There is only about an inch of shoulder along the two lane, narrow road. One cyclists travel often and the one an avid biker lost his life on.

In memory of Clive Sweeney, bicyclists apart of the bull city cycling team re-routed their weekly ride to pay tribute to a fellow biker and to draw attention to safety on the road --one cyclist and drivers have equal right to.

"A bicycle is a vehicle and can take full use of the lane even if there is a bike lane present," said Brian Bergeler with the /*Bull City Cycling Team*/.

But often one doesn't exist, putting cyclists in a dangerous path of oncoming cars, and impatient drivers.

"There is zero buffer between you and the automobile and truck it's a scary situation to be out there," Bergeler said.

And more are taking to their bikes now for recreation and to save money on gas.

"We commute to work on our bikes; we cycle for exercise, for fun. We would like a safer environment for biking in general," Bergeler said.

"Just a little bit of courtesy would be nice, and spreading the word we'd like to share the road with them," said Chris Oishi with the Bull City Cycling Team.

Some drivers admit they do get frustrated.

"When you're on a road that's 50 miles an hour or more and they're taking up an entire lane it gets frustrating," Driver, Carolyn Rukus said.

But they usually back off realizing a second or two will not delay their arrival too much and it might just save a life.

"Most vehicles usually give us enough room, are cautious, and pass in a thoughtful manner," Oishi said.

One driver that spoke with eyewitness news says she is familiar with roads where there is no shoulder room; her suggestion, driver education and making sure there are wider shoulders or bike lanes on roads where the speed limit is in excess of 35 miles an hour.

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