Fort Bragg soldier shoots neighbor's dog

CUMBERLAND COUNTY Lauren Welter explained how she found her dog, Tater. "He was laying right here." She says last night about 9 p.m. her phone rang with some bad news. Her 2-1/2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier was dead.

"It a phone call from my neighbor saying that this guy over here shot my dog," Lauren said. "I come outside to find him laying in my driveway dying."

Eyewitness Tara Guin explains, "We asked him what dog he shot and he said it didn't matter. And I said what do you mean it don't matter. I said I got a two year old and a four year old in here sleeping. I said it does matter."

Welter says her neighbor, Sergeant Sasha Lee, who just got back from Iraq shot her dog with a .45 caliber hand gun. Neighbor Willie Mouzon says Tater had a history of getting out.

"He's been all up around my house. He's not a vicious dog. If the dog is in his yard... there are better ways of solving things that besides killing the dog," Willie said.

Eyewitness News has tried to contact Sergeant Lee. He has not returned calls and it appears he's not home. He told police Tuesday night that he shot the dog in his yard in self defense, but eyewitnesses say that was not the case.

"No the dog was walking from the chain line ... over to his house but did not come on his property," Guin explained.

Four police officers responded to the shooting. Welter says the police left without filing any charges … not even a charge for Lee firing his weapon within city limits.

Fayetteville Police said Lee wasn't charged with firing his weapon within city limits because they believed he shot the dog in self defense.

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