Super Saver: Black Friday

It's one of the biggest shopping days of the year and it's only three days away. Before you brave the stores for those Black Friday bargains we've got some shopping strategies. You've got to plan ahead and plan around the long lines and the competition. You're planning starts now, don't wait till Friday.

Wal-Mart released its Black Friday ad already. You can get a 50-inch plasma TV for under $800 and a portable GPS for less $100. Deals like that have shoppers getting ready now. Shopper Lena Gott says, "I try to plan major purchases that we've been thinking about buying." Lena plans ahead. She says, "We have in mind to buy a TV. We want to replace the painting we have up there. We're looking for a bed." Lena does her research and makes a list before the ads even come out. How? There are Websites out there that get the deals leaked to them. On there's a whole forum on Black Friday. You not only can see what the deals are at each store, but shoppers give you tips on how to plan your shopping day.

Another site, has a Black Friday Buying Guide which is a one-stop listing of every Black Friday deal at every store. The list is complete with prices and store hours.

But you don't always have to brave the early morning cold and fight the long lines. Lena finds out which stores let her get the Black Friday deals on-line from the comfort of her own home. She adds, "We just log on whenever the retailer says the deals will starts, typically 5 a.m. but sometimes even at midnight."

If you must venture out, Lena says target the top item on your list, and yes get their early. She also suggests trying stores off the beaten path where the lines will be shorter. Once the doors open don't lose your focus go straight to the deal you want. Lena adds, "Buy your most important item first right when the store opens. If you're just going to browse, you probably won't get anything because there's other people who went straight to item and got it before you got there."

You might also try the buddy system or divide and conquer. If two stores have the same deal you want, you try one while your spouse or friend tries the other. Bottom line? Be ready come Friday morning. Lena says, "I would plan on getting everything you plan on getting early as it probably won't be available later on."

One more tip, find out now if the store you're targeting price matches that way you don't have to go all over town trying to get the best deal.

To read more of Lena Gott's money saving tips, check out her articles at:

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