Governor Bev Perdue: First day of change

RALEIGH "We are changing the way North Carolina's state government does business," Governor Perdue said Monday in a release from her office. "These change orders will make government more efficient, more accessible and more accountable to the people".

The change orders are:

  1. Governor's Task Force for the Development of an Endowment for Positive Gubernatorial Campaigns - With the purpose of restoring voter confidence in the way North Carolina funds gubernatorial campaigns and eliminating the negative campaigns that distort policy proposals and a candidate's vision, Governor Perdue today established a Governor's task force for the development of an endowment for Positive Gubernatorial Campaigns.
  2. Reforming the Department of Transportation - To improve the efficiency and effectiveness the DOT and to ensure that plans are developed and projects are awarded based on professional standards Governor Perdue signed an executive order immediately prohibiting DOT Board members from voting on individual projects. If a board member's participation is required by law, the Secretary will require the board member to sign a sworn statement affirming they have no financial interest related to the project.
  3. Open Book Government for North Carolina - To increase accountability and transparency Governor Perdue today directed the Office of State Budget and Management to develop and maintain a searchable and public website that shows state management and spending on grants and contracts.
  4. On-Site and State-Stat Performance Management and Accountability - To improve the accountability of state agencies Governor Perdue pledges to make regular, unannounced inspections of state facilities throughout North Carolina. She also will conduct statistical performance reviews of each agency. Governor Perdue's first inspections will include state mental hospitals and probation offices.
  5. Establishing the North Carolina Budget Reform and Accountability Commission (BRAC) - Governor Perdue signed an executive order establishing a citizen oversight panel to ensure government programs are using tax dollars in the most effective and efficient way possible.
  6. Gubernatorial Town Halls - Governor Perdue affirmed her commitment to participating in at least four live town halls televised across the state. She also officially launched an electric-town hall (E-Town Hall) to be maintained on her Website in an effort to remain engaged with, and receive constructive feedback from, the public.

    By the signing the directives, Perdue hopes to shift political influence away from the Board of Transportation and campaign donors, as well as to get the Legislature to consider government efficiency recommendations.

    "The change order is very exact," Perdue said. " What it does is require the DOT board to delegate to the Secretary its authority to approve highway projects and construction plans and to award highway construction projects. Delegate that authority."

    Perdue has vowed to fix problems within the Department of Transportation and the state mental health and probation systems during her campaign.

    "The challenge for me will be not to just shake it up today and then put these "change orders" in my desk drawer and say, wow, I did such a good job today," Perdue said. " The real work is making sure that it happens."

    To read the orders in detail, click here.

    She was sworn in Saturday by Chief Justice Sarah Parker. The inaugural ceremony took place in front of the archives and history building in downtown Raleigh.

    Perdue says she is ready to lead the state through a tough economy while improving education.

    Governor Perdue will attend the swearing in ceremony of her cabinet Monday at 2 p.m. in the old house chambers of the capitol building.

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