Concern swirls around mandatory school assignments

RALEIGH The state supreme court recently ruled the Wake County School Board can force students to attend year-round schools without consent. That ruling has some parents angry.

"I think parents are really not feeling like they're being listened to and they're being forced into doing things that are not effective for the families," District 7 School Board Candidate Deborah Prickett said.

Prickett and the members of the Wake Schools Community Alliance met at a restaurant Saturday to share their concerns.

Alliance member Allison Backhouse says mandatory assignments will hurt low income children.

"Those are the very children that are suffering the most and are being moved year after year," Backhouse said. "There's no connection, no friends, no familiar faces. Again, they'll be uprooted and picked up to another school because they depend on the bus service."

The group is hoping to fill four school board seats with new members this election that will see things their way.

"I absolutely think it will change, I think it's time for a change," Prickett said. "I think this will be a history making election year."

"I think our goal is easily achievable," Backhouse said. "Not only are these current board members not running. I believe we have parents who are truly frustrated and tired of this insanity and who recognize that parents and children need to become a priority in this system."

School Board Chair Rosa Gill says she supports the year-round assignments.

Gill says the board will always give options to those who may suffer hardships because of year-round assignments.

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