Hardees owners nix ad

ROCKY MOUNT According to multiple published reports, Rocky Mount based Boddie-Noell - which owns 350 Hardees franchises - has refused to run a commercial featuring references to parts of the human anatomy.

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In the ads for the fast food chain's new "Biscuit Holes," customers are asked to do a taste test and choose between the "A-holes" and the "B-holes."

The Parents Television Council has criticized the ads as inappropriate, and Boddie-Noell Chairman of the Board Ben Mayo Boddie said in at letter to the group that he agrees.

"I agree with you 100 percent. Why in heavens name does Hardee’s Food Systems and Mendelsohn Zien Advertising want to put Hardee’s in a category that diminishes not only the product but the brand itself?" said Boddie.

Hardees says it has no plans to pull the ads which is says run after 9 p.m., but it says franchisees are free to run them or not run them at their discretion.

In addition to the commercials, it's also come up with the website www.nameourholes.com to let customers help come up with a name for the new product.

"We love to entertain our customers, but we also like to create ways for our customers to interact with the brand to entertain themselves,” said Brad Rosenberg, Hardee’s manager of digital strategy and marketing in an online news release.

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