Detectives say two people were shot on Southhall Extension Road in Raleigh. One of the victims, Nigel Ellison, died at WakeMed. The other victim, Kalife I. Johnson, was treated and released.
Ellison's brother tells ABC11 Eyewitness News that Ellison and a friend met up with the father of a girl Ellison knew when gunfire broke out.
On Thursday, the United States Marshals Violent Fugitive Task Force arrested Rajal Amed Wisdom and Rajal Amed Wisdom Jr. in Alpharetta, Georgia.
Authorities say the extradition process is underway. They face first-degree murder and attempted murder charges.
Earlier this week, Rajal Wisdom's 17-year-old daughter, Mariah Wisdom, was charged with first-degree murder and attempted first degree murder.
Ellison's family has set up a memorial to remember him at the place where he lost his life. His funeral is Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Hayward Funeral Home in Raleigh.
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