More than 100 animals seized at home


An investigator said the dogs, chickens, and geese were being kept in very poor conditions at the property on Carlyle Road.

"The conditions are absolutely egregious," said Kimberly Albourn, Humane Society.

When Albourn went to check on the property with Franklin County Animal Control, she says she was appalled.

"There was a lot of garbage and food that was old and rotten," she explained. "Moldy bread, moldy cakes around the ground, and then the dog food that we did find in the bowls in some case, was actually chicken feed. We found fleas in the gums of several of the puppies. It really was just one horrific scene after the other."

Animal Control says the property belongs to Renee Long, a breeder, and the owner of Jean's Schnauzers. She also sells chicks, ducks and other animals -- all of which were found in unsanitary conditions, according to Animal Control.

"It's always been like a dirty place," Long's neighbor, Mary Wilder, told ABC11 Eyewitness News.

Another neighbor said she noticed a smell.

"Every time you come by here in the summer time, she never has any water out, never had the animals protected for shade," neighbor Leona Bellman said. "The smell was awful."

Workers seized more than 100 animals -- 25 of them dogs. Authorities found one dead puppy, dead chicks and three dogs that had to be euthanized.

Animal Control Director Graham Stallings says he's received three or four various complaints about the property in his six-year tenure, but superficial inspections never revealed much.

Stallings said on those occasions, the dogs looked healthy and even some of the dogs that were seized Monday look healthy.

"What we saw here today, with the water had mold, slimy green, it just warranted us to go one step further and do something about this," he added.

Guilford County Animal Shelter says it is going to house the animals and try to find homes for them. Carolina Water Fowl will help some of the birds.

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