Proposed Glenwood Avenue changes outlined at meeting


People who live along the busy roadway and those who drive it gathered at the Elks Lodge on Leadmine Road Thursday evening. That's where the North Carolina Department of Transportation hosted a meeting to share plans to improve the traffic mess.

"We want to hear from the public so that we make sure that we're capturing everything that actually is a problem along the corridor," said NC DOT Project Planning Engineer Steve Brown.

The DOT's $100 million plan directly affects a four-mile stretch of Glenwood between Interstate 540 and Duraleigh Road. It would create a so-called superstreet, which would remove traffic lights at intersections. Cars at cross streets would only be able to turn right and then make a u-turn before turning right again.

"I read some articles in the paper that kind of disturbed me about what they thought the plans were going to be," said Brookhaven resident Bee Weddington.

Weddington said rumors about not having access to side streets at all prompted her to come out to the meeting.

"I think those have been dispelled with my conversation," said Weddington.

However, questions linger. Like will the current four-lane stretch become six or eight lanes.

Monica Greiwe hopes for six lanes.

"Less impact, less expense and still fairly easy to travel and with a good mind to safety," said Greiwe.

That decision will decide the impact on nearby homes and businesses and with an environmental study currently underway, people at the meeting are a little ambivalent about the proposal.

"Well, I didn't dislike it," said Weddington.

"There's still a long way to go and a lot more to learn," said Greiwe.

The DOT would not apply for the right-of-way until 2018. Construction wouldn't begin until 2020.

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