Men wanted in power tools theft from Raleigh Lowe's


The two suspects stole power tools valued a more than $800 from the Lowe's store at 4601 Capital Blvd on April 15. The theft was discovered after the fact, but the suspects' involvement was documented by surveillance cameras.

The next day, the suspects returned to the same store and attempted to repeat the shoplifting plan -- again targeting expensive power tools -- but their scheme was detected by store security personnel. The suspects resisted and managed to flee the store before they could be detailed.

The first suspect is a white male who stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds. His hair was cropped extremely closely, and he had a goatee. In addition, his upper left arm bears a large tattoo.

Police say the second suspect is a white male who has brown hair, stands about 5 feet 10 inches tall, and has a thin build.

Anyone who believes he or she may be able to identify one or both of the suspects is asked to either call Raleigh CrimeStoppers at (919) 834-HELP or to go to the CrimeStoppers Web site at for instructions on how to report a tip online or by text message. CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for anonymous tips that help solve cases.

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