The signs are part of a campaign by residents to keep a water treatment plant out of their backyards.
Milton Wheeler has lived in Creedmoor for decades. He said the city is wasting tax payer money just considering to build the new plant.
"I'm afraid the water bills will be twice what they are now, and the people in southern Granville County that live on the Tar River, they hadn't seen nothing yet," Wheeler said.
Creedmoor's mayor said that from 2000-2010 the area grew 84 percent. City leaders think the area needs a better water and sewage system to sustain that growth.
"We'd like to find ourselves in a situation where we are able to lower our rates for our citizens and provide capacity for our community to continue to grow and develop from an economic standpoint," Mayor Darryl Moss said.
The plan provides for a $27 million wastewater treatment plant along Hester Road that would discharge into the Tar River.
Granville County commissioners, environmental groups, and the City of Raleigh have weighed in against the plant.
The other option would be to join the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority.
Moss said joining SGWSA is a potential solution, and that there's a long to go before a plant is built.
"We don't have a permit to build a plant. Until that happens, we just have land out there," Moss said.
The city manager is meeting with the SGSWA about the possibilities of providing for Creedmoor and potential costs.
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