Troubleshooter puts a stop to school bus stop problem


At the start of every school year, we hear about bussing problems or kids getting left on buses or let off at the wrong stops.  But now months into the semester now, the ABC11 Troubleshooter got a tip about a little girl who still hadn't gotten her bus assignment.

Lots of Wake County School buses pass right by Kim Muller's home, but none stop to pick up her granddaughter, Mckailyn.

"It is very aggravating," said Muller. "Every time I hear the bus its coming and going, coming and going.  We hear it all during the school hours. It just, it's crazy."

Mckailyn started kindergarten way back in August.

"When she first started they said it would be 10 days before they got her a bus assignment.," said Muller. "Well, I waited and waited and nothing happened."

So Muller says she reached out again.

"I called the district I know at least six times I have called them and left messages continuously and nothing happened," said Muller.

She filed two online complaints, but still no response. So she and her daughter, Mckailyn's mom, had to keep juggling their schedules every day.

"If I'm driving, I have to come home and then go back to work , drop her off then go back to work," said Muller. "So, it's just inconvenience all the way around."

Finally, after two months and still no bus assignment, Muller reached out to me.

"I just don't understand why, what's the hard part of them just assigning this house a bus stop," said Muller.

Turns out it wasn't hard.  Within a day of my calling Wake Schools, Mckailyn finally had a bus stop right in front of her house.

"I would say thank you Diane, thank you," said Muller. "You have been a blessing to me and my family."

Wake County Schools admits it was their mix-up and they apologize. They say school crowding and reassignment played into the mistake, and that they'll learn from it.

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