Parents were called to pick up their children at the Building Blocks Day Care in Hope Mills in the 3000 block of South Peak Drive in Hope Mills.
» Click here for a Google map of the area. «
Erin Silva says she was a bit unnerved when she was called to pick up her 3-year-old son from day care early.
"I'm glad it wasn't a fire," said Silva. "Glad it was just a water break, but they say they don't know what they are going to do about tomorrow."
Silva's son was one of 138 children evacuated after the ceiling collapsed in one of the rooms. Firefighters say a two-inch water line in the crawl space above the room apparently froze and ruptured. Workers quickly got the children out of harm's way. No one was injured.
"I think that the staff here at Building Blocks did a good of getting them out, before it was really a problem," said Hope Mills Fire Chief Chuck Hodges.
This week's deep freeze is being blamed for a blizzard of frozen and ruptured pipes. Tuesday, the Red Cross had to help some residents in Chason Ridge Apartments find shelter for the night after their apartments were soaked and damaged by water.
As the thaw out begins, plumbers say the danger isn't over yet.
"Just let time take its course. Let the pipes thaw out on their own," said Ray Edwards, of Haire Plumbing. "Don't try to heat them up with torches or heat guns or anything like that. Just let time take its course."
Organizers say the day care will probably be closed about a week during the clean-up.
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