RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- It's been a heavy week for the Raleigh Police Department (RPD).
Within the past week, the department has responded to two high-profile incidents, that required a major police response. A shooting at the Coquette in North Hills and a shooting in a neighborhood south of downtown.
Rick Armstrong spent more than a decade with Raleigh PD and the Police Protective Association and said in traumatic situations, officers really lean on each other.
"It's really an emotional rollercoaster. You are going through a lot there is counseling. The department does offer counseling and you just take it one day at a time. It's tough. It's extremely stressful," said Armstrong, Teamsters Local 391.
In addition to the police chaplains and counseling, the RPD also has the support of the I-Care team. These 17 various faith leaders help support the department and help build relationships. Deacon Gary Hartman of Southbridge Fellowship joined the I-Care team after his church cared for officers during the Hedingham Mass Shooting.
ALSO SEE: Raleigh mass shooting leaves 5 dead, 2 injured; 15-year-old suspect in critical condition
"The next day we just brought breakfast for them and we didn't realize it but there were officers who had been out all night and... they just devoured the food. They were just so thankful for a warm place to come be together, kind of share their sorrow," said Hartman.
Their congregation meets with officers of their local precincts weekly. With a brother in blue hurt, Hartman said the entire team has called on a higher power to help him pull through.
"We're trying to serve our fellow humans... our fellow community people. So that's what we do with our focus," said Hartman.
"I think the best thing they could do is, one pray for these officers. And the second thing is just offer their support, a simple thank you to an officer that goes a long way," said Armstrong.