"They asked to be stuck and the student obliged," Michael Evans, Wake County School spokesperson said.
School officials reacted immediately by notifying the parents involved, and the county health department.
Parent Karen Pace has a lot of questions about the incident. "At first I was wondering where were the teachers when all this was going on?"
A teacher was in the classroom at the time of the incident, unaware of the what was happening among the circle of students.
Diabetic students have the options to keep their testing kits in the school office, but by state law, they can choose to carry their kits, including lancet needles, to class.
Parent Bill Neal is concerned about how serious some children are about medical supplies, especially needles. "I don't think kids realize how dangerous it is and I think we need to educate them and let them know it's a very very dangerous thing for these kids to be doing."
The students will undergo several test as a safe precaution.