911 tapes shed light on incident with trooper


Multiple sources have told ABC11 that Captain James Williams was stopped after he was spotted driving erratically in his own car on I-85 near Butner on April 3.

Williams is in charge of all field activity in Troop C, which covers 14 counties.

Now, 911 tapes obtained by ABC11 detail some of the communication between officers.

In the first report to dispatch, a Butner officer radios: “I got one gettin’ on the interstate now that’s extremely 10-56 on the 191. He can’t even hold it on the road…”

Then later:

    Butner Captain: "I need you to call Major Moss' home number."
    Dispatcher: "Yessir"
    Butner Captain: "Advise him that I have a trooper stopped. He is a captain with the highway patrol and he is extremely 10-55."
    Dispatcher: "What's your cell phone?"
    Butner Captain: "Uh, 919, he's got it."

Later on the tape, the dispatcher calls the major at home:

    Dispatcher: "Are you real awake right now?"
    Major Moss: "Yeah, yeah."
    Dispatcher: "OK. Parrott has a 10-55 stopped 85 southbound at 191. Captain Williams is out with him. He is described to me as being extremely drunk. It's a highway patrol captain, James Williams Jr. Capt. Williams asked me to ask you to call him on his cell phone. He is up there now."
    Major Moss: "You say he was extremely drunk?"
    Dispatcher: "Yes, that's what Captain Williams told me to tell you."

Sources tell ABC11 that instead of charging Williams, Butner officers had his car towed and took him to a local motel. The clerk at the motel later called Butner dispatch.

    Hotel Clerk: "Hi, this is Debbie at the Best Western, used to be Holiday Inn."
    Dispatcher: "Yes, ma'am."
    Clerk: "Umm, one of your officers just dropped someone off that had car trouble."
    Dispatcher: "Okay."
    Clerk: "Umm, I need them to come back and pick him up, and probably take him to the station to wait for his ride, because he decided not to get the room."
    Dispatcher: "Okay, I'm having trouble hearing you ma'am, need to pick him up to do what?"
    Clerk: "He dropped him off here at the hotel to get a room."
    Dispatcher: "Yeah"
    Clerk: "He decided not to get the room, and he's from Greensboro, and uh."
    Dispatcher: "He's from Greensboro?"
    Clerk: "That's what the lic, the I-D gave me was."
    Dispatcher: "Is he a black gentleman?"
    Clerk: "Yes."
    Dispatcher: "Okay."

The dispatcher then radioed the officers involved.

    Dispatcher: "Butner Baker 3"
    Response: "Go ahead (inaudible)"
    Dispatcher: "Return to the Best Western. That subject from Greensboro has decided not to get a room."
    Response: "10-4."
    Response: "35 Adam 10-4."
    Dispatcher: "I'll make a call if you need one."
    Response: "10-4. Just hold off."

The North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety confirms that Williams is on administrative leave, along with two Butner officers, while it investigates. The department has declined to comment further.

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