RALEIGH (WTVD) -- A caravan of cars, led by a van with wraparound signs proclaiming Black Voters Matter traveled slowly through south Raleigh on Saturday.
"We're trying to educate the most marginalized community, particularly the Black community in south Raleigh, that their voice matters and their vote will count," organizer Kerwin Pittman told ABC11.
The voter registration drive happened on a weekend when many people closely monitored President Trump's stay in Walter Reed hospital for treatment of COVID-19.
"Now more than ever," said Dawn Blagrove of Black Voters Matter. "It's important for us to know what our status is as registered voters, when there is so much voter suppression happening around the country. We have to be diligent as citizens and voters to make sure that our vote is counted. Take at least five people to the polls with you. Don't go alone! You go and vote and take five folks with you, then take five more folks and five more folks. It can't be more important than this moment, to exercise your right to vote."
Blagrove said they're also reaching out to people who've been incarcerated and paid their debt to society.
"We want to make sure that they understand their right to vote and where they stand. Some important litigation was decided that was spearheaded by Forward Justice this year, that gave lots of North Carolinians with criminal records the right to vote again. We want to make sure that they are fully informed on how to exercise their right," she said.
The group also traveled to Holly Springs to register voters.
"Yes, we're gonna do some door knocking. We're gonna do some neighborhood walking," said Pittman. "We're gonna do some educating, we're gonna do some registering."
They urge all registered voters to get involved, by voting early or heading to the polls on Election Day next month.